WEATHER-RELATED ANNOUNCEMENT: Due to impending weather, the Wadena Advisory Board Dinner has been rescheduled to Monday, April 1; the Moorhead Advisory Board Dinner has been rescheduled to Tuesday, April 9. Both events will still begin at 5 p.m.

Student Data Trends

Enrollment Trends

M State designates a home campus for each student based on geographic and academic program location. The following graphs illustrate the unduplicated headcount for each campus and the credit-based enrollment using a full-year equivalent methodology (total credits/30).

Headcount Data

FYE Data

Student Demographic Trends

Twenty-six percent of M Sate students report a race/ethnicity other than white (excluding dual enrollment students). Students of Color (SOC) includes any student with a race/ethnicity of Asian, Black/African American, American Indian, or Hispanic/Latino.

Race Data Trends

Sixty-one percent of the M State’s student body is female and 39 percent male (excludes dual enrollment students). As a federal requirement, M State reports gender in the binary (men/women) categories.

Gender Data Trends